German WH Wehrpass Robert Meier KIA Wolchow German WH Wehrpass Robert Meier KIA Wolchow German WH Wehrpass Robert Meier KIA Wolchow German WH Wehrpass Robert Meier KIA Wolchow German WH Wehrpass Robert Meier KIA Wolchow German WH Wehrpass Robert Meier KIA Wolchow German WH Wehrpass Robert Meier KIA Wolchow German WH Wehrpass Robert Meier KIA Wolchow German WH Wehrpass Robert Meier KIA Wolchow German WH Wehrpass Robert Meier KIA Wolchow German WH Wehrpass Robert Meier KIA Wolchow German WH Wehrpass Robert Meier KIA Wolchow German WH Wehrpass Robert Meier KIA Wolchow German WH Wehrpass Robert Meier KIA Wolchow German WH Wehrpass Robert Meier KIA Wolchow German WH Wehrpass Robert Meier KIA Wolchow

German WH Wehrpass Robert Meier KIA Wolchow

In a very good condition a German Wehrmacht (Heer) Wehrpass named to Gefreiter Robert Meier. The wehrpass was first issued in February 1939. Interestingly, Meier was an Austrian actor ('Schauspieler') in daily life. He had served 1.5 years in the Czech military in 1932-'34 and was then called up by Artillerie-Regiment 96 in Steyr, October 1939. This regiment was part of the 44. Infanterie-Division "Hoch- und Deutschmeister", a typical Austrian division. He went in and out a few different units including the Divisions-Nachschubführer of the 297.ID and A.R.98 of the 45.ID in occupied Poland, before he was released January 1941.
The entry on page 26 suggests he was discharged to work with customs as a Zollbeamte; his Czech ancestry and language skills may have been put to use there.
May 1942, however, Meier was called up again by the Heer and after a few weeks with reserve units, he arrived at the Eastern Front with Artillerie-Regiment 11 of the 11.ID.
He was thrown in the hard fighting on the Wolchow front south of Leningrad, and almost killed immediately on 26th of June 1942 in Kirischi - a location well known for the Wolchow bridgehead fighting.
The Wehrpass is a 100% complete with all pages and a nice portrait photo, with a casual pose and a swastika pin on his jacket.
The WASt archive cards provide some more information on his burial and death, and are shown just for reference.

Code: 75882

175.00 EUR